Avail Rewards

Eligible Criteria

Avail Mainnet Airdrop T&Cs If you believe you were eligible based on THESE CRITERIA: https://blog.availproject.org/avails-unification-drop
and wish to file a Complaint, use the google form: Google Forms

Verify to

Claim your

AVAIL rewards

AVAIL is the native asset of the Avail Network, powering blockchain unification. The AVAIL token powers Avail DA, Nexus, and Fusion.

The Unification Drop
How To Claim?
Connect Your Accounts
Claim Rewards
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How to Setup an Avail Wallet?

Visit the Avail docs to learn how to set up your Avail wallet.

Check your rewards

Please Note: This page is meant to verify your eligibility to receive AVAIL tokens. Your rewards will be sent to your connected Avail wallet on Mainnet launch after you claim.

Time Left:


Connect an Avail wallet to claim your rewards

Avail Wallet


Link your Avail address to check eligibility from Clash of Nodes and Light Client Lift-off participation to claim rewards.

All your rewards from different providers will be sent to the connected Avail Address.


Verify Eligibility

Ethereum Wallet

For rollup users, Polygon PoS stakers, governance contributors, and others. This includes users of...

Arbitrum One

OP Mainnet

Polygon zkEVM

zkSync Era



Connect a GitHub account with contributions to repositories specified here to verify eligibility and claim rewards.


Starknet Wallet

Connect your Starknet account to check your eligibility.

Support for Braavos and ArgentX Mobile wallets coming soon.



Connect your Twitter account to check your eligibility.


Total Claimed Rewards

Frequently Asked Questions

Checkout the FAQ page